
Thousands of Canadians face hunger every year and Food Banks across the country are unable to keep up with the demand, especially in the summer months. Food Banks Canada engaged Match MG to develop their first ever true national program that would: Raise food and funds in May to fill the summer food gap, and bring together the 550 Canadian Food Banks and provincial associations under a common program (each do their own programs of varying size). To keep up with increasingly high demand each year, we created a multi-year platform as a rallying cry for all Canadians called Every Plate Full.

From May 2nd to the 8th, 2015, Food Banks across Canada came together to participate in the Every Plate Full Food Drive. I was tasked with taking our recently developed branding for the program and adapting it across all creative platforms. This included tools for local Food Banks, social support, national activations, fully developed responsive website and more. The key was to develop a program that could be activated by Food Banks, reach the boomers that donate, and inspire millennials for the future.


Every Plate Full Summer Campaign


Food Banks Canada

What I Did

Lead Design, Content Rollout, Site Development, Provincial Tool Kit Creation

Inspiring Canadians &
Creating Lasting Impressions
For Long Term Success

As Match developed the overall concept, branding and all activation elements, I played a key role in designing all creative pieces, making sure they were consistent across all platforms. This included: social posts, posters, microsite, web banners, brand guidelines, fundraising platform and tools, and more.

Growing Participation

Over 110 food banks across the country participated (the most that previously participated in a campaign or event was 4) with 87%+ wanting to participate next year.

Meals Raised

Nearly 500,000 meals were raised in 2015 (492,180 meals exact). This was a huge success considering the program lasts for only one month. Imagine what could be accomplished all year.

Fully Eqquiped

A focus was to provide Food Banks with the necessary tools to easily activate Every Plate Full. This included dozens of assets: program one-pagers, posters, social media tools, etc. Ideas that could be easily activated for free or a small budget.

Building a foundation
for Food Banks to
prepare for the future.

This is where the heart of the Every Plate Full campaign lives. This was a massive undertaking, consisting of a fully responsive microsite, all built in WordPress. Through out this process I had worked closely with developers and clients alike to create the platform for success.

Summary of the
Every Plate Full Campaign.

Throughout the development of this program I was lucky to have spearheaded the design & create something that would generate lasting appeal for a growing cause.

A Canada where no one goes hungry

Food Banks Canada is the national charitable organization representing and supporting the Food Bank community across all of Canada. Their network of 550 Food Banks support 85% of people turning to them for help.

  • National Posters
  • One-Page Program Summary
  • Print Guidelines
  • Email Template
  • Sponsorship Deck Template
  • Responsive Microsite
  • Static Banner Ads
  • Facebook Posts
  • Twitter Posts
  • Storyboard Animated Videos
  • T-Shirts
  • Window Decals
  • Table Decals