
Each year, Castle Building Centres publishes free magazines which range from contracting help & leading technologies in the industry to design trends which are available in all their affiliate stores across Canada. Built in both English and French, there are over 28,000 people who read the publication to date. From 2017-2018, I was tasked with upholding the brand standards and continued to enhance the creative of these publications.

With an extensive amount of content coming in every month, the overall publication is broken up into 4 separate magazines: Contractor Advantage, Avantage Entrepreneur (French), Ideas, & Rough Construction. Each issue focuses on different aspects of the construction & building industry as a whole.


Castle Editorial Magazines


Castle Building Centres Ltd.

What I Did

Page Layout & Design, Art Direction, Press Approvals

A magazine for beginners to professionals

12 publications created per year: 6 Contractor Advantage, 3 Avantage Entrepreneur, 2 Ideas, 1 Rough Construction

Beautifully sharing relevant
trends & insights.

An important part of the process was to ensure the design & layout was consistent through out each publication, while creating a visual aesthetic that would remain clean, focused and relevant.


More focused on inspiring home improvements, Ideas was geared towards providing homeowners with inspiration from which to build their dream homes. This seasonal publication would be released every Spring & Fall.

Rough Construction

Rough Construction provides contractors and consumers with industry knowledge ranging from all aspects of crucial building components and good building practices. This publication would be released annually.

Magazines Per Year
Promoting beautiful design
to vendors across Canada.

To continue creating great content each year for thousands of readers, I had created a Media Kit that would advertise each publication by selling ad space in the magazine.